

  • kiva.org kiva
  • theoceancleanup.com cleanup
  • wwf.comwwf
  • treedom.nettreedom

Plant a tree now!

Each tree planted is an investment in the future, creating a tangible link between Treedom and AIRC, cultivating hope for a healthier and more sustainable world for people and the planet.

At the time of planting, each individual tree is photographed, geolocated and given a unique ID. This information is published on an online registry to ensure maximum transparency. Each Treedom tree corresponds to a virtual space where photos, videos, interviews and trivia about agroforestry projects are posted. Valuable content that can be shared with anyone, at any time.

Practically realichain will refund you the entire amount donated and will add 10% more as a thank you, you will be rewarded with the REALI coin, in addition with your unique ID we will be able to monitor the tree and give you $2 worth in REALI for 12 months. To claim your rewards you must send a copy of transaction id , unique id and reali address. Please send proofs to hello@realichain.org .

make a loan, change a life.

Find a person you want to support, Decide how much you want to contribute, Check out—your funds are allocated to the borrower and Get repaid, and lend to someone else!

Realichain will refund you the entire amount donated and will add 10% more as a thank you, you will be rewarded with the REALI coins. To claim your rewards you must send a copy of transaction id and reali address. Please send proofs to hello@realichain.org .

Help us to clean ocean.

Plastic leaks into the ocean from thousands of sources all over the world every day. Increasing consumption combined with improper waste management in many countries has made plastic pollution a worldwide problem, causing damage not only to the environment but also to human health and economies.

Realichain will refund you the entire amount donated and will add 15% more as a thank you, you will be rewarded with the REALI coins. To claim your rewards you must send a copy of transaction id and reali address. Please send proofs to hello@realichain.org .

Help us to save species.

WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.

Realichain will refund you the entire amount donated and will add 15% more as a thank you, you will be rewarded with the REALI coins. To claim your rewards you must send a copy of transaction id and reali address. Please send proofs to hello@realichain.org .